Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Albert Einstein

Posted by Unknown On 3:33 AM
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
  Albert Einstein was born at UI in wurttemberg, Germany on march 14.1879 of Jewish parents. His family moved to Munich when he was just one year old. He was sent to Munich elementary school but had no interest in books and learning. He was shy by nature but developed interest for mathematics and physics. He also loved to play violin. His later schooling took place in switzerland and then he took admission in the swiss national polytechnic in Zurich from where he graduated in 1900. Here he met a young Hungarian girl Mileva Maritsch and they got married in 1903. They had two sons but later they divorced each other. in 1919 he married his windowed cousin Elsa.

       The first major sucess and recognition came Einstein's way in 1905 when he published five major research papers. He was just 26 years old. He was awarded doctorate for his first paper. The publication of his next four papers ever changed ours concept of the universe. The first paper dealth with Brownin movement. The second paper dealt with the photon or quantum theory of light. In it he explained that light is composed of separate packets of energy called quanta or photons. The third paper dealt with his special  theory of relativity. In the fourty paper he gave us his famous formula, E=mc2.These research papers immediately established him as one of the most renowed physicists of Europe. Consequently he was appointed junior professor at the University of Zurich.
          His "General theory of Relativity" saw the light of the day in 1916 in which he stated that gravity is not a force but a curved field in the space. In 1919 the Royal society of London confirmed his theory of relative and it brought him at once world wide recognition and fame. Two years later he was awarded the Nobel prize for physic. His theory of relative laid the foundations of modern scince of cosmology. It gave us a new concept of gravity, which says that the presence of matter in space causes to curve in such a way that the gravitional field is set up and so gravitation becomes a property of space itself. His theory of relativity admits the impossibility of determining absoult motion and postulates the concept of four-dimensional space-time continuum. His another work"unified field theory: was published in 1953. He had already published his " Special Theory of relative" in 1905. Relative deals with the "problem of Changes in measurements and physical laws when they are considered by observers in various states of motion."He dealt with vast distance and the greates speed known that of light. in his theory he asserted that the speed of light in a vacum is an absolute speed limit and so the flow of time appears to decrease with an increase of Velocity. He said that time, space, matter and light are inter-related.

           When Einstein's theory of relative was first published it could be understood by only a very few scientists.It is not easy to estimate how much we owe to the intellectual powers of this prince among the geniuses. His assertion about the bending of light was confirmed during on eclipse in 1919. Consequently his theory gaves us the concept of black holes which are massive stars collapsed into very tiny dense object to the point where their escape velocity exceeds the speed of light and so from them neither light nor matter nor energy can escape.
             In 1933 when Nazis came to power in Germany they denounced Einsten because of his Jewish origin and Zionism. His property was seized and books etc. destroyed and burned, Therefor, he moved to America and became an American citizen in 1940. During the early days of the world war second he come to know how German scientists had split the uranium atom: he wrote to the u.s. president Franklin D. Roosevelt warning him how this breakthrough can be used in the development of an atomic bomb. He urged president Roosevelt to star development of such a bomb in America. Consequently the Manhattan project was stared and later atom bombs were developed in 1945, which were used to destroy Hiroshim and Nagasaki. it compelled Japan to surrender. In the U.S. he was invited to teach advanced study at princeton university, New Jersey. He was a staunch pacifist ever favoured disarmament and one world government. He must have regretted the destrucation of the two well known cities of Japan by dropping of nuclear bombs during the second World War. His wife Elsa died in 1936. It was a great personal loss to him but his pre-occupation with work and resrarches kept him busy. He died on April 18, 1955 in princetion, New Jersey. An element, atomic number 99 has been named after him as Einsteinium (es). In 1952 the Israeli state had offered him the presidency of the country as a mark of honour which he very humbly declined.

                He was a pacifist but it is an irony of fate that his theories were ultimately used for war purposes and the production of nuclear bombs, the most dreaded weapons of destruction known to and used by mankind, His researches led to nuclear fusion and fission and also to the theory that universe has been expanding from one central point of its origin.
    "W hen you are courting a nice girl
             an hour seems like a second.
            When you sit on
             a red hot cinder a second seems
             like an hour. That is relativity."



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